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Oral cancer, early diagnosis saves lives

Vital information on oral cancer: prevention and treatment

Oral cancer is a disease that, although not as frequently heard as other types, its impact is equally significant. It develops in key areas of the mouth and throat, and early detection can make the difference between successful treatment and serious complications. In this article, we will explore the general aspects of oral cancer, along with its incidence, demographics and risk factors. In addition, we will discuss the importance of early diagnosis and the treatment options available. Finally, we will show you how Dentsana Clinic in Costa Teguise, Lanzarote, is at the forefront of providing you with state-of-the-art dental services.

Oral cancer overview

Oral cancer encompasses cancers that develop in the mouth and adjacent areas, such as the back of the throat. It affects different areas, including the tongue, gums, and mouth lining, as well as the base of the tongue and the throat at the back of the mouth. This form of cancer makes up approximately 3% of all cancers diagnosed annually in the United States, with about 53,000 new cases each year. It is crucial to understand that although the statistic may seem small compared to other cancers, the impact on the quality of life of affected patients is remarkable.

One of the significant challenges of oral cancer is its ability to spread rapidly to other areas of the body. This characteristic makes early detection and proactive treatment critical to increasing survival rates and improving the patient's overall prognosis. Fortunately, this type of cancer can often be detected during routine dental examinations, underscoring the importance of regular dental visits.

Diagnosis and treatment of oral cancer

Early detection of oral cancer is a determining factor in the successful treatment of the disease. Screening for oral cancer is usually simple, painless and performed during routine dental check-ups. A trained dentist will examine the face, neck, lips and entire oral cavity for early signs of cancer. In many cases, dentists can detect subtle changes in the mouth that may go unnoticed by an individual.

Treatment of oral cancer depends on the stage of the disease. For cases detected in early stages, surgery or radiotherapy may be chosen. In more advanced situations, treatment may involve a more complex combination, including radiotherapy and chemotherapy simultaneously, or targeted therapies to specifically attack the cancer cells. Treatment selection takes into account the patient's general health, the location and type of cancer, as well as the size of the tumour and its sophistication.

Prevention and treatment services at Dentsana Clinic

Dentsana Clinic is proud to be an active supporter of the campaign. "Oral CancerThe Consejo General de Colegios de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de España (General Council of Spanish Dentists and Stomatologists' Associations). This alliance reinforces Dentsana Clinic's commitment to prevention and the integral health of its patients, placing special emphasis on the early detection of oral cancer, a disease with high success rates when diagnosed in its early stages. With this collaboration, Dentsana Clinic demonstrates its commitment to an oral health service that prioritises the well-being and safety of its patients, integrating the most advanced prevention and treatment protocols.

At Dentsana Clinic, we take our patients' dental health very seriously. We know that dentistry goes beyond caring for teeth and gums; it is also about preventing and detecting severe conditions, such as oral cancer. Our clinic offers an environment where state-of-the-art technology meets humane and personalised treatment. By integrating the best dental practices, we ensure that we offer our patients the highest quality preventive and treatment services.

Every visit to Dentsana Clinic includes a comprehensive check-up designed to detect any early signs of oral cancer, allowing the problem to be addressed before it progresses. Our philosophy lies in proactive prevention and educating our patients about the importance of regular dental visits, which can play a key role in early detection. In addition, the highly trained professionals at our clinic are ready to offer advice on associated risk factors, such as tobacco and alcohol consumption, and the need for sun protection to prevent lip cancer.

If you are looking for quality dental care with a comprehensive approach to oral health, we invite you to contact us at contact with us.

Oral cancer, early diagnosis saves lives
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